Saturday 7 March 2015

snLibrary - utils

snLibrary - utils

There are a few utilities that can be used frequently in our codes. These have been packaged into utils package. Some other useful ones are also available under snUploader package as well.

Class: utils.snUtils:-
 num2words() - Convert a numeric (long) value to words in Indian format
 dmy2ymd() - Convert a String in Date format of YYYY-MM-DD into DD-MM-YYYY format
 ymd2dmy() - Convert a String in Date format of DD-MM-YYYY into YYYY-MM-DD format.
 getEncodeUTF8() - URLEncode  the String parameter.

Class: config.snDBFuncLib:-
  getSQLDate() - Gives the current date in YYYY-MM-DD (ie SQL standard format).
  getSQLDateTime() - Gives the current date in YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS  (ie SQL standard format).
Class: utils.snUtilsConstants:-
  getDateTimeNow() - sets Date and Time in two public variables namely : DATE_NOW and TIME_NOW.  The format for Date is DD-MM-YYYY Gives the current date in YYYY.MM.DD and that for time is HH.MM.SS.  (May be converted to required format using dmy2ymd()).

Monday 2 March 2015

snLibrary - XML file Upload into DB

snLibrary - XML file Upload into DB

I have faced many situations where I wanted to upload an XML file straight into a table.  Have you too?

Of course, only select XML tags should be picked up from the XML.  In a separate package, called utils, along with some other utility classes, snLibrary contains few functions for achieving this uploading.  It can be used not only in a web-application, but also in a normal java application that could pick up the XML file from the file-system and upload the contents in the specified table in the database.

The method and its usage is given below.
Method:- utils.snUploader :: snReadXMLintoDBwithInsert()
// This method has been used widely for Uploading the XML file received from SAP after calling
//      select RFCs (Remote Function Calls) of SAP.
// ...
// ... Some java code goes here..
// ...

  snUtilsConstants snUC = new snUtilsConstants();
  // snUtilsConstants contains few Constant values that are defined so as to be used as Data Type
  //      in the following method.

  // Here we have defined the XML Tags as it appears in the XML file.

//  Here we have defined the corresponding Columns of the Table in our database.

  final Object[] UPLOAD_COL_TYPES = {0L, null, null, null, null, 0.00d,
                                            snUC.DT_TYPE_DMYY };  // null corresponds to String Type
  // Here we define the data type of each Column.   While null or simply "" could represent a
  //    String datatype, other datatypes are defined in the snUtilsConstants class.
  //    snUtilsConstants.DT_TYPE_DMYY denotes Date datatype given in the format dd_mm_yyyy

  snUploader snUpd = new snUploader();

  // dbPropXMLFileName is an XML file that contains the Connection Parameters
  //                                            for connecting to the database server.
  //  The parameters are : Driver, JDBCurl, login, pass
  Connection con = snUpd.createConnection(dbPropXMLFileName);

  int insRows = snUpd.snReadXMLintoDBwithInsert(inputXMLFileName, con, dbTablename,
                        rootSearchItemId, XML_TAGS, UPLOAD_COLS, UPLOAD_COL_TYPES);
  //  or to use with the Truncate Option,
  boolean no_truncate = false;
  int insRows = snUpd.snReadXMLintoDBwithInsert(inputXMLFileName, con, no_truncate,
       dbTablename, rootSearchItemId, XML_TAGS, UPLOAD_COLS, UPLOAD_COL_TYPES);
  // ...
  // ... Other part of the code
  // ...

Few other functions/methods are also available for example,
   snReadXMLintoDBwithInsertUpdate() will try an insert for each record and if it fails, will try an update on the same.
  snReadXMLintoDBwithUpdateInsert() will try an update first for each record and if it fails, will try an insert on the same.
  snReadXMLintoDBwithUpdate() will only try to update if similar record exists.